New Moon in Aquarius Prep: An Astrologically informed sound bath and meditation
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Aquarius Prep: An Astrologically informed sound bath and meditation

Aquarius is seen as the sign of the collective and society partly due to it sitting directly across the zodiac from the Sun's home sign of Leo which represents the singular, the ego and leaders. With this month's new moon happening in the sign of Aquarius, it might point to new beginnings that are concerned more with our communities rather than the pursuit of our own singular paths. With Mercury (planet of communication, transactions and the mind) conjoining with Pluto (planet of manipulation, power and transformation) in the same sign as the new moon, it's a good time to pay attention to what is controlling our minds and how it may be influencing our actions. It's neither a good time to be overly amicable or controlling but work at parsing out what is actually in our control and surrendering the rest.


At Find Your Center  9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, January 26th 6-7:15 pm


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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New Moon in Sagittarius: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Sagittarius: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation

The new moon in Sagittarius happening on December 1st will be marked by an interesting blend of the elements of fire and air. Sagittarius is the fire sign of Jupiter where the planet's tendencies towards philosophy, justness and generosity are expressed. It also can be accompanied by the planet's tendencies toward revelry, overindulgences and ideology. Mercury will also be in Sagittarius at the time of the new moon, and it will be directly opposed from Jupiter in Gemini, the air sign of Mercury. 

Sagittarius and Gemini have an interesting relationship in that neither of them enjoys being in the other's sign. Gemini finds Sagittarius to be too excessive and motivated by righteous conviction and Jupiter finds Gemini to be to unwilling to take a stand on anything, preferring to endlessly argue a point and from every angle. But the beauty of them both being in each other's signs at the same time means there will be a melding of their strengths (and hopefully not their weaknesses).

In meditation, we will explore how to pull these elements into balance and utilize their gifts.


At Find Your Center  9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, December 1st 6-7:15 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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New Moon in Scorpio: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Scorpio: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation

With this month's new moon being co-present with Mercury in the sign of Scorpio, the new beginning we experience might come with a revelation due to our investigative or introspective work. Given that the ruler of the new moon, Mars, will be in the Moon's sign of Cancer and moving into an opposition with Pluto, these revelations could arouse emotions tied to the transformational work we have been engaged with. In this practice, we will explore an expansive holding of emotional energy through awareness, through silence and through sound.

Participants will be given access to additional guided meditations to support their inquiry in the days following the session as well as a discount on a full astrology reading if booked within 30 days following the sound bath


At Find Your Center  9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Friday, November 1st 6-7:15 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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New Moon Eclipse: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon Eclipse: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation

During the new moon eclipse conjoined Mercury in the sign of Libra on October 2nd, we may receive news, information or discourse that could lead to a reconsidering of where our boundaries lay in respect to love, relationships and/or connections that feel balanced. But because it is ruled by a Venus in her antithesis of Scorpio, Venus’ normally soft and diplomatic approach could have more of an edge and be motivated by self-protection.

In the days after, Venus will move into a supportive grand water trine with Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. But what does it mean to be supported by the god of boundaries and isolation (Saturn) and the god of conflict and struggle (Mars)? During this meditation and sound bath, we aim to use this watery energy to create a safe container where we can explore our existing relational boundaries to see if they are truly serving us and to open to any boundaries not yet in place that need to be fortified.

Participants will be given access to additional guided meditations to support their inquiry in the days following the session as well as a discount on a full astrology reading if booked within one month of the sound bath


At Find Your Center  9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Friday, October 4th 6-7:15 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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Grounded, Steady, and at Ease
6:00 PM18:00

Grounded, Steady, and at Ease

In this practice we will work with physical postures, breath practices and guided meditations to invite a sense of groundedness into the body, steadiness to the mind and soothing balance for the nervous system. 

All levels of practitioner are welcome!

The physical practice will be adaptable and nourishing. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat if you have one. There are a few mats available to borrow, other props are available at the studio.

Thursday, June 27th 6-7:30 pm

IN PERSON at: Blosm Studio 12549 28th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125

Investment: $20!

About the Instructor: 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is trained through the 500 hour level teacher training programs at Whole Life Yoga, and is the current owner of Whole Life Yoga Studio. Kim uses yoga as a tool to help her know and understand herself and the world more fully. Kim is certified Mindfulness teacher through the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program designed and lead by renowned meditation teachers Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. She believes deeply in the power of these practices to ease suffering, enliven joy, strengthen resilience and create a more compassionate and caring world

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Strong Back, Steady Mind, Open Heart
to May 30

Strong Back, Steady Mind, Open Heart

If you had to describe, with one word, your relationship with your body what would it be? If you had to describe how you relate to your mind, or heart...? Are the words that come up for you, words that feel nourishing or... not?

For many of us, we relate to ourselves (body, mind, and heart) with a harshness or dismissal that is unlike how we strive to treat our families, friends or even strangers. Wherever you are in your relationship with your body, cultivating a more intentional connection is a gift.

In this series, we will create an intentionally compassionate connection with our bodies. We will work with a balance of strengthening and stabilizing postures, and deep listening, accepting, and allowing the body to be as it is. We will strive to approach the body with kindness and care, utilizing somatic practices to invite more ease in the way we relate to our experience of being in the body.

Using meditation we will explore practices to bring a steadiness to the mind.  We will cultivate a relational awareness that is anchored to the body, anchored to the present moment experience. 

We will invite an investigation of our energetic, emotional states through connection with the breath. We we utilize breath techniques (pranayama) to lift the energy where it needs lifting, to soothe the energy where it is overactive and to draw the energetic experience toward a greater sense of balance and ease.

Through movement, mindfulness, self compassion, and self Inquiry we will polish those habitual ways of relating to ourselves into something radiant!

This series is open to all levels of practitioner.  The asana will be simple and adaptive. All are welcome!

This is a 10 week hybrid series which will include:

6 in person sessions held at Blosom Studio: 6-7:30 PM March 28th, April 4th, April 25, May 2, may 23, May 30th (final class will include a 30 minute sound bath!)

2 online integration sessions (over zoom): 6-7:30 pm April 11, May 9th

2 self practice weeks (with recorded practices in a content library): weeks of April 18th and May 16th

Investment: $250 (if you feel drawn to this series and need a partial scholarship email

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Sun Conjunct Pluto, Pluto enters Aquarius: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

Sun Conjunct Pluto, Pluto enters Aquarius: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation

When the Sun conjoins Pluto every year, we could find our attention has turned towards exercises of self mastery, transformation and ego work in some area of our life. We could find ourselves in reconciliation with the things that we allow to be known and the things we have a hard time accessing or owning in the deepest interiors of ourselves. The work is not comfortable, sometimes not invited, but promises deep transformation if worked with.

This particular Sun Pluto conjunction is special in that it is the last one to occur in the sign of Capricorn in our lifetime. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for the last sixteen years inviting transformation in some area of our lives by digging up what has been hidden, repressed or unseen. But on the 20th, Pluto will move into Aquarius just after the conjunction with the sun in the very last degree of Capricorn. Though Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn at the beginning of September, it will be fully in Aquarius by November and will start its transformation in another part of our life for the next two decades. Being the last Pluto Sun conjunction in Capricorn of our lifetime gives us a wonderful opportunity to ruminate on where the hard transformational work has been happening over the last sixteen years and how far we have all come.

This is an IN PERSON ONLY EVENT at At Find Your Center 9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103. This month’s sound bath participants will have access to a guided meditation to explore in the week before the work with the bowls.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Saturday ,January 20th 5:30-6:45 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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Soothing the system with sound: A holiday survival sound bath and meditation
5:30 PM17:30

Soothing the system with sound: A holiday survival sound bath and meditation

The holidays can be such a wonderful time of connection and community. For many of us, this season of increased social engagements and family dynamics can also be a bit taxing on the nervous system. For some, this season can also be a tender time of revisiting loss. Wherever you are, however you experience this season, taking time to soothe and care for yourself can be such a gift.

Using intention, we will open to the resonant tones of the bowls to aid the body and mind in accessing greater states of relaxation and ease.

This is an IN PERSON ONLY EVENT at At Find Your Center 9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103. This month’s sound bath participants will have access to a guided meditation to explore in the week before the work with the bowls.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, December 17th 5:30-6:45 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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The Yoga of Thanksgiving: Creating Purpose.
9:30 AM09:30

The Yoga of Thanksgiving: Creating Purpose.

Thanksgiving provides us with an opportunity to express gratitude, but it can be more than that. It can also be an opportunity to reconnect with what gives us purpose. This Thanksgiving, join Tracy Weber in this special live-streamed yoga, breath, and meditation class designed to reconnect you with what's important to you and help you stay connected throughout the holiday season and into the coming year.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

9:30-11:00 am

With Tracy Weber


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New Moon in Scorpio Sound Bath: Still Waters Run Deep
5:30 PM17:30

New Moon in Scorpio Sound Bath: Still Waters Run Deep

Still waters run deep is a phrase that some use to quickly sum up the nature of Scorpio. It speaks to how depth can hide what lives beneath the calm surface of things. It speaks to a hidden or even mysterious side to our emotional landscape. But the other part of Scorpio is the very investigation of these depths. Being a Mars ruled sign, there is a bravery involved. A tenacity needed to plunge down into the water because we must know, no matter what we find, we must know what lays beneath.The Moon has a difficult time in Scorpio. The Moon wants to be comfortable and comforted. It wants to gestate and nurture. But here in Scorpio it's being asked to go to the difficult places to do important work and it will do so with Mars by its side with Mars by its side. This will infuse the New Moon with bravery and Mars' ability to fight for what needs to be fought for and cut away what needs to be left behind. 

Uranus will be opposing the New Moon from Taurus so we may find the clues to the work we are doing in the fixed earth sign of Venus. How is the hard, emotionally deep work we are initiating in Scorpio being oppose by the instability or changes we are trying to make in our earthy Venusian comforts? What will our inquiries be asking us to let go of so we might swim deeper into the waters of understanding? Will we swim deeper or go back to the shore for its momentary comfort.

Please join us as we explore these depths in meditation and sound to prepare for this New Moon in Scorpio.

This is an IN PERSON ONLY EVENT at At Find Your Center 9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103. This month’s sound bath participants will have access to a guided meditation to explore in the week before the work with the bowls.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, November 12th 5:30-6:45 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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Solar Eclipse in Libra: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

Solar Eclipse in Libra: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and Meditation

Solar Eclipses speak to energies bigger than us. The powers of fate that we cannot control but must contend with. We are watchers. We are witnesses. To think we can harness this kind of energy is to think we can surf a tsunami. Better to observe from the high ground and return once the water has receded to see what's left and start anew.

Of course, not all eclipses will bring such drama, but the power will always be present. The feeling of fatedness will surround the events and these events will initiate us into a beginning of sorts.

So, what does this me when it happens in the Venus ruled sign of Libra? The events and revelations around this eclipse could shift our perspectives on what we value, what we connect ourselves to and where we find harmony. And since this eclipse will be conjunct the South Node (symbolizing decrease) and square Pluto (symbolizing death and rebirth), we could find the receding waters have taken a lot but have also cleared the land for what will be built next. 

We will do some simple practices to regulate the nervous system, and assimilate the energies before allowing the sound to soothe us!

This is an IN PERSON ONLY EVENT at At Find Your Center 9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, October 15th 5:30-6:45 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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New Moon in Virgo trine Uranus: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

New Moon in Virgo trine Uranus: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation

The new moon in Virgo happens at the tail end of a Mercury retrograde in the same sign. If you've felt caught in over analyzing or decision making that was burdened by considering too many options, the new moon trine Uranus probably delivered an unexpected event or insight that led to a decision finally being made (even if it was made for you). With Mercury direct just a day after, we might finally feel like headway is being made.

How can we make the most of this momentum? Can we find a sense of compassion for any places that feel battered from the transition? Can we find peace with the way things are and maybe even some excitement in the unfolding?

This is an IN PERSON ONLY EVENT at At Find Your Center 9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, September 17th 5:30-6:45 pm 


About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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New Moon in Cancer: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

New Moon in Cancer: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation

For this month's sound bath we will prepare for and tap into the energies of the new moon in its home sign of Cancer. Cancer is a cardinal sign, meaning it is initiatory and marks the beginning of a new season, summer. Cancer is also a water sign so these initiatory energies could have a feeling of the first nourishing drops of water that will cause a seed to germinate. What seeds have we been waiting to put in the ground and water? What kind of nourishment will it require to develop into its fullness.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, July 16th 5:30-6:45 pm 


This is an in person only event!
At Find Your Center
9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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Yoga for Meditation
6:00 PM18:00

Yoga for Meditation

In this practice we will prepare the body to sit in meditation by warming the muscles of the back and hips, releasing stored tension in the body, calming the mind into an integrated awareness. We will use the anchor of the breath to help steady attention and allow us a soft landing into stillness. Once we have tended the body and settled the mind, we will open into a compassionate exploration of the heart through metta (Lovingkindness) meditation.

No prior meditation experience necessary!

Can't make the live streamed session, the class recording will be available to view as your schedule allows. 

Monday, June 12th 

6-7:30 PM PST

$25 suggested donation (pay what you can available at check out)

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Full Moon in Sagittarius: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

Full Moon in Sagittarius: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation

This full moon looks like a culmination, a gathering together of recent work. This month's full moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius; the fire sign of Jupiter, sign of the centaur, the archer. Where have we set our sights? What have we been aiming at with a taut bow waiting for the exact moment of release? With both the Moon's and the Sun's rulers (Jupiter and Mercury) in Taurus with the North Node and Uranus, we could feel a little emboldened and impatient especially with a supportive trine from Mars to the moon. It would be good to tap into the grounding nature of Taurus and the lessons of the recent Mercury retrograde in that sign, to be sure our aim is true for not just our heart but also our reason.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, June 4th 5:30-6:45 pm


This is an in person only event!
At Find Your Center
9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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Soothing the System with Sound: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

Soothing the System with Sound: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation

March is a big month astrologically speaking with two of the slowest moving planets, Pluto and Saturn, ingressing into new signs. This can speak to the start of big shifts in our lives that leave us feeling like things that have been more constant, whether favorable or not, are getting stirred up in a way where new norms will take root. This month's sound bath is dedicated to bringing our systems into balance and soothing our feelings of uncertainty as we invite what's next to settle, integrate and reform.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, March 26th 5:30-6:45 pm


This is an in person only event!
At Find Your Center
9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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New Moon in Aquarius: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

New Moon in Aquarius: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation

This new moon in Aquarius speaks to new ideas motivated by what we value personally and how we wish to see those values manifest in the world. During this time, you might find that these goals have a much more collective or communal theme. But how to see them through? A co-presence with a Saturn/ Venus conjunction offers a path that asks for discipline and structure. A measured approach that is not exhausted by extremes or quickness. A combination of desire and stoicism. A fire that burns magnificently in a stone hearth. 

In meditation we will explore our values and desires, what our heart longs to offer and our innate inter-being with the world. Through inquiry, we will look to the structures present and those that might be absent that could help strengthen our intentions. We will feel into that connection with gratitude, gentleness and lovingkindness, illuminating our path forward for the benefit of all.

Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!

Sunday, January 22nd 5:30-6:45 pm


This is an in person only event!
At Find Your Center
9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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Energetic Boundaries for Sensitive Souls Workshop (Online)
10:00 AM10:00

Energetic Boundaries for Sensitive Souls Workshop (Online)

Are you a sensitive person who is easily impacted by the words and actions of others? Do you often find it challenging to set personal boundaries in your relationships? Do you sometimes get easily knocked off your personal center and are not sure why? Do you want to learn to create healthy energetic boundaries so you don’t need to build walls around yourself in your relationships?!?

For the sensitive souls of this world, it can be challenging to find and stay in our own power. We often worry about what others may think of us rather than tending to our own energetic self-care and how we feel about ourselves. And it’s true that we are not taught how to do this in most areas of life. We’re not exposed to simple energy management techniques that we can do on our own to help set the foundation for grounded and centered interactions with others. Until now!

There ARE ways that we can set ourselves up for success so we can be better prepared to be IN relationships. We need what I like to call energetic hygiene tools – practices and techniques that can help you manage your energy in a variety of ways and situations. These tools will not only benefit you and your own wellbeing, they will also have a huge impact on your relationships with others. A win/win for sure!

What to expect:

This workshop will teach and guide you through practices designed to connect you with various aspects of your own energy field. You will learn different techniques and have the opportunity to practice them during the course of the workshop. There will be time for questions, sharing experiences, and learning different ways to express and use these practices.

Who: This workshop is taught by Kathleen Dowd, a certified yoga therapist, a trauma-informed yoga teacher, and intuitive energy healer. She works to support people in their healing journey and path to integrated wholeness through energy work, yoga/movement, breathwork, spiritual coaching, and creative expression. She has a special focus working with anxiety and trauma. She holds sacred space for people to help release stuck energy in their bodies, experience integration of shadow and hidden elements of self, and turn lovingly towards their pain and their hearts with generous amounts of self-compassion and love. She holds a vision for all people to feel grounded, centered, loving, expansive, integrated, and whole.

When: Saturday, January 14, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm PST

Where: online – attend from anywhere!

Exchange: $65

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New Years Day Yoga Celebration (Online)
10:00 AM10:00

New Years Day Yoga Celebration (Online)

In many ways, 2022 was the year the world moved on. But to what? For many of us, tendrils from the past paradoxically bind and direct us: holding us back while laying a path for the future.

Join us in this special New Year's Day yoga class. Together, we will explore the gifts of the past, release elements that hold us back, and begin moving mindfully and optimistically into the future. This gentle, live-streamed yoga and meditation class is appropriate for all ages and experience levels. We hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 1st, 10 – 11:30 AM

with Tracy Weber


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The Yoga of Thanksgiving: Exploring Gratitude
9:30 AM09:30

The Yoga of Thanksgiving: Exploring Gratitude

For most of us, recent times have offered a unique combination of hardship, opportunity, sorrow, and joy. No matter what part of this cycle you find yourself in, opportunities to practice gratitude are ever present. This Thanksgiving, join Tracy Weber in a special yoga, breath, and meditation class designed to help you explore gratitude and begin a practice to cultivate thankfulness throughout the holiday season and beyond.


Thursday, November 24, 2022
9:30-11:00 am
With Tracy Weber

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Balancing the Head and the Heart: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation
5:30 PM17:30

Balancing the Head and the Heart: An Astrologically informed Sound Bath and Meditation

Astrological energies are asking us to assess the balance between our rational minds and our heart/intuition. How can our rational ideas, ideologies and reason make us distrustful of our intuitive knowing? How can our intuitive body entice us  into fantasies, fostering ignorance? How can we get to a place where both the mind and the heart support and honor each other and encourage a balanced walk down our path?

In this practice we will move from the head into the heart and back again. when the heart is open, thoughts need nSunday, November 20th 

ot be a problem. When the mind is at ease, feelings can pass through with ease. As the system draws into balance, we become aware that we are neither our thoughts nor our feelings. We can remain in the space of awareness, tending what moves through with clarity, acceptance, and compassion..

Sunday, November 20th 5:30-6:45 pm


This is an in person only event!
At Find Your Center
9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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New Moon in Libra Sound Bath: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and meditation practice
5:30 PM17:30

New Moon in Libra Sound Bath: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and meditation practice

New moons are times to see with clarity and intention what we are aligning with or being influenced by. New moons are the perfect time to get quiet, to listen. 

The new moon in Libra is a seeding moment focused on fairness, balance and harmony but with Jupiter in Aries in a close opposition, our thoughts and ideas about how things should reach these states could be prone to fiery idealism. Along with this, the new moons depository, Venus, will be conjunct with Mercury in Virgo. This could make us more likely to fixate on small details, distracting us from the bigger picture or causing us to discount the merit of something based on small, normally inconsequential imperfections.

In meditation we will be working with equanimity. Cultivating the ability to hold the fullness of experience with a sense of groundedness and calm. There is a universality to the human experience. The winds of pleasure and pain, gain and loss touch each of our lives. There is a profound freedom available when we can hold the movements of life in a less personal way. We will intentionally cultivate a felt sense of spaciousness in the body, mind and heart- a space that can hold it all with peace and ease.

The practice will be limited to 10 participants, so register soon!

Sunday, September 25th 5:30-6:45 pm


This is an in person only event!
At Find Your Center
9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103

About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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Growing Inner Resources: A 6 week Mindfulness Series
to Oct 24

Growing Inner Resources: A 6 week Mindfulness Series

In this online series we will explore mindfulness tools to help us connect to and grow inner resources, feelings of safety, strength, connection and care. We will practice coming back to and staying with beneficial experiences as a way of bringing greater balance and wellbeing into our systems. Not pushing away the negative, but aware of the natural tendency to focus on the negative and let what is nourishing and good pass us by. We can learn to grow the good, to take it in, to brighten the mind and heart.

Class will be a mix of discussion and practice with home practices offered each week. Recordings will also be available for those who have to miss a session.

The funds generated from this series will be used to help me go on Pilgrimage to Thailand and India this December with my Meditation Community. I will be staying in Monasteries and meditating under the Bodhi tree! The trip of a lifetime for me! 

Mondays Evenings

9/19- 10/24  6-7 pm

with Kim Tull-Esterbrook


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New Moon in Leo Sound Bath: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and meditation practice(SOLD OUT!)
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon in Leo Sound Bath: An Astrologically Informed Sound Bath and meditation practice(SOLD OUT!)

New moons are seeding moments, a time to see with clarity and intention what we are aligning with or being influenced by. New moons are the perfect time to get quiet, to listen. In this coming season we could find ourselves being pulled toward more extreme and staunch viewpoints, as a reaction to the things we find ourselves in opposition to or aligned with.  The Influence of these intense, combative energeies can create a rigidity within us that adds to our own suffering, and increases divisions in our communities and the world.  With this soundbath and meditation we aim to bring balance by nourishing the energetic system, softening the heart, and bringing the coolness of water to the scorched earth energies that are dominant.

We will begin our practice by grounding in the physical body, then drawing deeper by attuning to the subtle body with central channel opening. As we settle into a peaceful relationship with our moment to moment, ever changing experience, the mind and heart can begin to rest. We can invite our awareness to move with the ease of water, allowing the vibrations of the singing bowls to soothe and cool our nervous systems, making us less reactive, more resilient and able to meet the challenges of the world with tenderness and care.

This is an IN PERSON only event!
The practice will be limited to 10 participants, so register soon!

Thursday, July 28th 7-8:30 pm

At Find Your Center

9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103



About the Practitioners:

Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.

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July Yoga Immersion Online (Single Month)
to Jul 29

July Yoga Immersion Online (Single Month)

The focus of each months practices vary depending on the goals and interests of the students enrolled that month and will take a "theme box" approach to the monthly subscription. We will orient our intentions, goals, and practices around explorations of particular yogic tools or themes. Appropriate for all levels of practitioners, adaptations are offered!

We will explore full integrated practice, including asana, pranayama (breathwork), meditation and self inquiry.

July Immersion 7/6-7/29

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

6:15 -7:30 am pst


You do not need to be able to attend the live streamed classes, many students simply watch the recordings as best fits their unique schedules.

The single month immersion product does not give you access to additional drop in classes scheduled on the whole life yoga calendar or bonus meditations and additional content. If you wish to access those, you will need to sign up for the monthly Yoga Immersion subscription.

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The Poetry of Practice (online)
2:00 PM14:00

The Poetry of Practice (online)

On the 4th Sunday of the month, we will come together online for a practice of easeful movement and contemplation.

Each practice will be woven through with a poem as inspiration and the brahma viharas (or 4 faces of the heart) as a framework. Poetry has a way of distilling experience and meaning into something which can touch the heart in a direct and powerful way. poetry can also open us to connection, a felt sense of knowing we are not alone in this human drama. The Brahma Viharas can show us the path to cultivating a bright, nourished heart and help us integrate the inspiration we find in poetry into the very fabric of our lives.

Class may include gentle asana, walking meditation, guided meditation, self inquiry and journaling.

All are welcome! No yoga or meditation experience needed!

with Kim Tull-Esterbrook

4th Sundays, 2-3:30 pm

January 23rd- April 24th

$80 suggested but there is a pay what you can option to make practice available to all

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