Our Live Streamed classes are run through Marvelous
To join our live-stream, please use CHROME, FIREFOX, or SAFARI browsers.
Open your browser and log in to your Marvelous site (formerly called Namastream)
Click on your "Events" or calendar tab in the top right corner where you will see all of your upcoming events listed.
At the designated start time, click the "Join Session" button. The button will remain grey until I start the live-stream.
If you have never used Zoom before, it will ask you to download Zoom to your device
Once Zoom is installed, the Zoom window will open and you'll be able to participate in the live-stream.
Drop In Schedule
Wednesday. 6-7:30 am- Mindfulness Meditation 12:00 pm - Yoga Over 50 with Tracy Friday 12:00 pm Yoga Over 50 with Tracy
Sunday 9:00am - Sunday Morning Renew and Reset with Kim 11:00 am- All Levels with Julie