Still waters run deep is a phrase that some use to quickly sum up the nature of Scorpio. It speaks to how depth can hide what lives beneath the calm surface of things. It speaks to a hidden or even mysterious side to our emotional landscape. But the other part of Scorpio is the very investigation of these depths. Being a Mars ruled sign, there is a bravery involved. A tenacity needed to plunge down into the water because we must know, no matter what we find, we must know what lays beneath.The Moon has a difficult time in Scorpio. The Moon wants to be comfortable and comforted. It wants to gestate and nurture. But here in Scorpio it's being asked to go to the difficult places to do important work and it will do so with Mars by its side with Mars by its side. This will infuse the New Moon with bravery and Mars' ability to fight for what needs to be fought for and cut away what needs to be left behind.
Uranus will be opposing the New Moon from Taurus so we may find the clues to the work we are doing in the fixed earth sign of Venus. How is the hard, emotionally deep work we are initiating in Scorpio being oppose by the instability or changes we are trying to make in our earthy Venusian comforts? What will our inquiries be asking us to let go of so we might swim deeper into the waters of understanding? Will we swim deeper or go back to the shore for its momentary comfort.
Please join us as we explore these depths in meditation and sound to prepare for this New Moon in Scorpio.
This is an IN PERSON ONLY EVENT at At Find Your Center 9750 Greenwood Ave N Suite 103, Seattle, WA 98103. This month’s sound bath participants will have access to a guided meditation to explore in the week before the work with the bowls.
Class is limited to 10 participants, so register early!
Sunday, November 12th 5:30-6:45 pm
About the Practitioners:
Gavin Tull-Esterbrook is a professional Astrologer practicing Tropical Hellenistic Astrology and certified sound healer using Himalayan Singing Bowls.
Kim Tull-Esterbrook is a mindfulness meditation teacher, advanced Level Yoga teacher and owner of Whole Life Yoga.