Paying Attention


When it comes down to it, meditation is really just paying attention to your moment to moment experience with curiosity and care. When we pay attention in this way, we drop the expectation and judgement that we live so many of our moments colored by. We begin to shift from the story to the reality in a very simple and fundamental way.

We can begin by opening our awareness to the things that move through without any expectation that they should not be there. We experience each manifestation as simply what is arising in awareness. It can be helpful, grounding even to name what moves through. This is what thinking is like… this is how the body feels… this is sleepiness….whatever it is. name it. watch as it dissolves once you return your attention to the breath, or whatever anchor or home base we are working with in practice. We begin to see the changeable nature of experience. When we get used to moving with the natural flow and fluctuation of energy and awareness, life becomes less of a struggle. We can learn to be with things as they are, knowing they will change, enjoying, grieving, being with the full spectrum of a human life with grasping or pushing away any experience.

As my teachers say… Nothing is off limits. Everything belongs. Your practice can hold it all.

What a blessing.

