One way to begin to work with thoughts in mindfulness practice is to sense the energy of the mind, in much the same way that we feel into the energy of the body in yoga practice. You can notice if the energy moves quickly or slowly, For some, using the imagine of a river can be useful. You might imagine yourself seated on the bank of a river, watching as the river flows by. The river as the activity of the mind.
Experiencing yourself as witnesser in this way helps loosen the grip, the habit so many of us have, of over identifying with our thoughts. We begin to see that thoughts come and go much like waves on water. Getting used to the arising of thought without the immediate reaction that often accompanies it, is priceless.
It can take some time to get used to watching the energy of thought without paying so much attention to the content. Bringing that foundational attitude of curiosity, really helps. If you are working with the image of the river, open your senses to the visualization. Let it be vivid. Another image that can help is that of a waterfall. The waterfall is the ceaseless flow of though and sensory input, you can imagine yourself behind the waterfall, watching, witnessing in that same way, the energy of the mind.
I remember pretty clearly the moment when I really understood that I am not my thoughts, when I understood it not with my mind but from that mysterious space of the witnesser. I was a young person who lived very much in my mind and most of the time, my mind was a very unhappy place to be. The freedom that I felt, when I realized that what moves through my mind means very little about me… . well, if that is the only taste of enlightenment I ever get, it is enough.
Take good Care.