Like Clouds in the Sky


I don’t know about you, but I have a history of taking my thoughts rather seriously. When thoughts are held in this way, as unquestioned truth, there can be a lot of confusion and hurt. Thoughts become another thing that pulls us around at it’s whim and makes it hard to find steadiness and peace.

When you begin to hold your thoughts lightly, to experience them as passing sensory information and open to the experience of yourself as the vast sky, life opens up. Even heavy thoughts become easier to bear.

Like the sky, which has no opinion about what moves through it- storms or sun, we too can cultivate the ability to be with what arises with the same patience, tolerance, steadiness. It is natural that we have opinions about what we experience. With practice however we can create space around our opinions. That space gives us the opportunity to decide what is really importance to us and allows room for wisdom to lead action.

This capacity of course, comes slowly over time and with practice. A great place to begin is simply by paying attention to our moment to moment experience, to what moves through. We can notice when we get caught by a thought, when we fall into judging or over identifying with a thought. When that happens (and it will happen!), we can simply open back up. Feel the spacious capacity of our awareness and watch, with kindness what comes and goes. We do this again and again. And then do it some more! And bit by bit, our life opens up and the grip of thoughts gets softer, and the world a little lighter.

